Wednesday, July 22, 2009

LB Ramblings

First and foremost, I would like to take this time to thank my loyal followers. Carrie, Michael - your support means the world to me and without you, I would not have the courage to continue on my blogging journey.  That being said, I should not be able to name all my followers using one comma while being grammatically correct.  You know what this means.

So today was a pretty good day.  Up above, you can see what I did at work (this is actually part of my "bucket list" but let's save that for another blog), I escaped for lunch with good company, I got to travel with my friend Scott to pick up his new puppy, Layla, and I got to talk to one of my all time favorite people in betwixt all of his Bar exam studying.  I did have high hopes for this evening such as rollerblading, targeting, etc. but my hopes were dashed as soon as I learned that said puppy was all the way in Corn Stalk, NC.  That was was actually a very pleasant little town.  

Amongst all of the chaos (i'm kidding, things are rather dull at the moment), I have had some very deep conversations...about lamp shades.  Do they really make sense??  I mean, why have a light to make things brighter and then put a shade over it to DIM THE LIGHT?!  You tell me.  Mask or menace....ok, that really doesn't make sense right now and I'm not even quite sure that's the exact Spiderman quote.  But either way, lend me your thoughts.

Song of the week compliments of Michael Tomko, Lupe Fiasco, and YouTube.  Piece out.


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